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I hold a PhD in Sociology (University of Exeter), a D.E.A. in Philosophy (University of Seville) and a M.A. in Political Science (Arizona State University). I study the multifarious connections between technology, politics, and society, from the platformization of social movements, the public sphere, political parties and States to the construction and sociotechnical governance of data and digital infrastructures. I do it by entangling academic research, technological development, social innovation and political action. I also develop broader philosophical-political research where I explore past and present frameworks of thought around technology as it intertwines with the human condition, knowledge, economics, or ecology. Currently, some of the projects I lead or participate in are Vector, Datapolitik, Atenea CyborgOutonomy, and Decidim. In previous years I was involved in others such as OxfamD2DECODED-CENT and Interidentity.

Since 2018 I am coordinator of Tecnopolitica/IN3-UOC. Through the years I had the opportunity to co-found projects such as and Decidim (of which I currently am a Steering Committee member), and collaborate by researching with different groups, collectives or projects, such as Datanalysis15M, Ciencia, Tecnología y Racionalidad Práctica, STIR, the Center for Single Molecule Biophysics, or Calafou. I have succesfully supervised two PhD theses and currently supervise four more. I have been a Fulbright scholar and enjoyed studies or stays in different spaces, centers and universities, among them the Center for Science, Policy and Outcomes and the Center for Nanotechnology in Society, both radicated at the Arizona State University, the Colorado School of Mines, the University of Exeter, the University of Seville and the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute of the Open University of Catalonia.